Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? I love this time of year and really look forward to Thanksgiving. The problem is that Christmas comes so quickly after Thanksgiving and I find myself needing to look past Thanksgiving a bit to what needs to get done for Christmas.
One of those to do items is Christmas Cards. I love taking photos of my kids and turning them into our Christmas Cards. I have to think about it early though and work on getting a great shot to use.
I will usually find a nice day, not too hot or too cold and head to a park. The best time is earlier in the morning (before 11) or late afternoon. You don’t want harsh sunlight in your photos so plan for a time when the sun isn’t directly overhead.
Trees, a lake, bushes, a cool looking door, a field or an unused railroad are all great places to take pictures. Look for places while you are out and about and make note of the ones that would make good photo backgrounds.
Make it a fun time with your kids. Don’t let the stress of getting a perfect shot ruin your time. Plan a fun time and insert the photo session in the midst of it. I’m thinking about taking large lollypops or ice cream and cones, handing them out and then snapping away. This should make for less tears and some great candid shots with the kids true personalities coming out. Be sure to take lots of pictures! It’s a great way to find a few that turn out well.
This year I am going to create our Christmas Cards using TinyPrints. I love the round cards they have this year that double as Christmas ornaments. It is a perfect new way to display Christmas Cards.
What are your plans for Christmas cards? Have you found a great location for taking photos in your area?