This week’s idea is pretty simple. Feed yourself well.
I was the queen of seeing to my family’s needs and neglecting my own and that included eating. I would get up before everyone else in the morning and get laundry going and breakfast ready for my family to sit down and enjoy it. Then I would get busy making lunches or cleaning up and wouldn’t actually sit down to eat until 9 or 10. Lunch would be the same story. I ate last and would eat whatever was quick and easy.
Big mistake!
I started having health issues (adrenal fatigue, hormone issues and handling stress very poorly) and one of the first things I found out was effecting me was not eating well and eating to support my body. This meant eating within an hour of waking, eating lots of protein and eating every few hours. My poor eating was largely contributing to my poor health which took me months to overcome.
It can seem like just another thing to add to your busy schedule to plan healthy meals for yourself and to make sure you always have snacks ready but it is worth it! You will feel better, probably look better, and have energy to do what you need to get done in a day.
Do you have experience with the difference of eating healthy vs. unhealthy as a mom? Care to share your story in the comments? What’s your favorite healthy snack tip?
P.S. If you need some help on what to eat I came across this eBook recently and am planning to purchase it myself. It’s called Real {Fast} Food and it’s all about eating healthy without spending too much time on it.