Want to be featured on Mommy Kudos? Here on Mommy Kudos I do a weekly “What Mom’s Love” blog post and I share what I have loved about my week and include some of my favorite finds of the week for moms, babies and kids. I thought it would be fun to also share what other moms love. So I thought I would give you the opportunity to join in the fun. Here’s what I would need from you if you’d like to do it:
1. What did you love about your week? You can read some of my prior posts for ideas if you want but generally it is the special moments in your week with your child(ren).
2. A picture of you (preferably with your kids or the child that is the age you are wanting to recommend items for)
3. A list of 4- 10 of your favorite baby/kid/mom items (pick a theme like an age or stage, a specific thing like nursery or diaper bag must haves, trip entertainment, safe kid toys, etc…)
4. Pictures of the items if you can find them/have them (if not I can get them)
5. If you blog or have an Etsy store or other site (not a requirement) send me the name and link so I can link to you.
Use the Subject “What Moms Love Weekly” and Email it all to me at: Kristin@MommyKudos.com. If you are including lots of pictures please send them a few at a time in individual emails. If you know someone else who may like to be featured please feel free to pass along this information to them.