Welcome to 31 Days to Becoming an Organized Mom! I have decided to jump on the 31 days band wagon this month and join The Nester for 31 days of posts. I’ve just been getting my feet wet lately with getting back to blogging but I am committing to dive in completely this month.
Why did I choose to do 31 days to Becoming an Organized Mom? Because this has been pressing on my heart a lot lately. I am not writing from the place of having everything organized but rather wanting to get there. There have been lots of babies and toddlers in my house over the past 14 years and life seemed to speed past organized to barely holding on for a while. But I know that being organized brings me so much peace and there is a balance between having grace for yourself and doing hard work. I am desperately seeking the balance.
One day, a couple weeks ago, I was driving in my car and thinking about the guests we would be having over in a few weeks. I was thinking of all that I needed to get done before they came and how much work I would be doing. It would probably mean some late nights and early mornings. All of a sudden I felt very convicted. “Why aren’t you willing to do all of that hard work for your family? Do you realize that the message you are sending is that they are less important than any guest you might have?” Ouch!!
This is the message I have been sending to my precious family for many years. Yes, there is grace…they have TONS of grace for the sleepless nights and jam packed days, but this is not what I want to communicate to my family. They are the most precious people in the world to me and they deserve being my priority and any ounce of hard work that it takes to provide a peaceful home for them.
So I am digging in and getting organized. This month I will use these 31 days to prioritize and organize and share with you here my progress and processes. I know that deep down inside there is a very organized woman who is very anxious to get out. I know this because I had to lock her away years ago after my 4th child was born.
Would you like to join me? I’ll be adding the posts each day to this page so you can read them all.
Day 1- Meal Planning with Pinterest
Day 2- Where to Start Getting Organized– Your Mindset
Day 3- Where to start Practically In Your Home
Day 4- Eliminating Distractions
Day 5- Dealing with Life’s Curveballs
Day 6- Controlling Clutter
Day 7- Don’t Forget to Rest
Day 8- The Voice you Listen to {a.k.a You are NOT Overwhelmed}
Day 9- Analyzing the Problem Spots and Finding Solutions
Day 10- Eat the Frog
Day 11- Planning Ahead
Day 12-Scary To Do Lists
Day 13-Resources to Get You Going
Day 14-Take Care of Yourself Too!
Day 15- What Are We Organizing? {This one could change everything!}
Day 16- Decluttering Tips
Day 17- Remembering Why We Do It
Day 18- Beauty Only
Day 19- Quick Tackle Something
Day 20- Shopping Smart
Day 21- Intentional Fun & Rest
Day 22- A Plan for Success
Day 23- Setting Goals to Stay Organized
Day 24- Helping Kids Help You
Day 25- Kids Checklist for Chores
Day 26- Scheduling Chores for Kids
Day 27- An Ideal Life
Day 28- Printable Chore Checklists for Kids
Day 29- Doing a bit of Dreaming
Day 30- Staying on Top of Laundry
Day 31- This. Just This!