What Moms Love Weekly on Mommy Kudos is finally back after a break. Let’s get right to the goodness:
This week I am loving: soft warm blankets on a cold winter’s day. Teen daughters that want to pour their hearts out until late at night and then really listen to words of advice. Pulling out hand-me-downs in the next size up and reminiscing about when the older daughter was this little. The last peppermint mocha before I am “better about eating healthy.” How about you? What are you loving this week?
Here are some of my favorite finds this week for moms, babies and kids:
1. Just Between Us: A No-Stress, No-Rules Journal for Girls and Their Moms
– I LOVE this journal! If you have a daughter who is a preteen or teen then I highly recommend you get this journal, read the introduction and get started sharing with your daughter. There are prompts and questions to answer for each other in the journal as well as free space to ask questions and pour your heart out. You and your daughter can pass the book back and forth over time and make some special memories and get to know one another on a whole new level. I wish this was out when I was growing up!
2. The NEW Boppy Pillow for nursing– I always loved having a Boppy for nursing. From the first nursing session to the last it was a friend I kept close by. When I saw the new and improved Boppy I was impressed with the thought they have put into it. There are now two sides to it: the traditional, soft pillow side you know and love with Boppy AND the new firm cushion featuring contoured foam. Best of all the whole thing is washable when you remove the foam insert! Another detail that is new is the adjustable belt that keeps the Boppy in place. The belt is removable and there are inserts to hide away the clips. I’m so happy that Boppy is making a great thing even better with this new Boppy Pillow! It seems that these new pillows are not available just yet online but Boppy’s site says you can find them at Target and Babies R Us.
3. Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe– This book is such encouragement to moms with little ones! I cannot recommend it enough. Sarah Mae writes honestly about the struggles of motherhood from the perspective of someone who is going through it currently and then Sally Clarkson (a mom with grown children) takes a turn sharing advice and wisdom on how to make it through these hard days of mothering. I found the book so refreshing and encouraging. Moms are raving about how this book is having a huge impact on their lives. It has amazing ratings on Amazon and I highly recommend you read it!
4. Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack Convertible Diaper Bag,Frolicking in Fez – I know this bag in these colors has been out for a few months but I keep seeing it and I just love the colors and pattern! Petunia Pickle Bottom bags are pricey for sure but the investment might be worth it for the long run, especially if you are just starting out and will need a diaper bag that will work with a boy or girl and perhaps through more than one baby. I would be happy to seen lugging this diaper bag around. I may need to borrow a baby so that it doesn’t look weird though {wink}
Those are my favorites finds this week. Have you found anything that you love?
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