Whether we had the greatest mother in the world or not, most of us realize at some point that we are doing something that is just like her. That works for both the good and the bad things. Seldom do we think about how our kids will be just like us.
There are things I don’t love about my life but I live with them because they would be hard to change. But when you tell me that these things are examples that my children are going to follow it makes me feel desperate to change them.
If I want my kids to value friendships then I really need to model for them making time for friends. If I want them to stay close to each other then I need to let them see me making time for my siblings. If I want them to stay connected to me then shouldn’t I be staying connected to my own mother as an example that it is important?
These are the workings of my mind lately. I have an opportunity to model values to my kids that I want them to have. It doesn’t mean I can control them as they grow older but that they have seen the benefits of my good choices and know how much the effort is worth.
Are there things you know that you would like your kids to value as they grow older? What are ways that you intentionally model those values for them?