Last but certainly not least, here is part 3 on the Social Media Ninja session at Relevant 2011. If you missed them part 1 is here and part 2 here.
Tsh from Simple Mom shared some great tips with us. She really simplified things. She’s pretty good at that!
She suggests asking questions on your Facebook page because “people love to give advice.” It gets a conversation started. Another great Facebook recommendation was to plan out your Facebook Posts a week ahead of time with photos.
There were ooos and ahhhs as she demonstrated how she uses Yoono, which is a browser plugin for Firefox or Google Chrome that allows you to post to twitter and/or Facebook from any webpage you are on. It hangs out as a sidebar on your browser (that you can minimize if you wish) and it makes updating your status super easy. I have been trying it out this week and definitely like it but I look forward to when they add the ability to update your Facebook pages and not just your personal statuses. You can use multiple twitter accounts with it which is super helpful to me since I have 2 blogs and 2 twitter accounts. You can check Yoono out here.
Tsh recommends retweeting a blog post about 3 times a day to maximize the exposure you get. Remember that different people are on twitter at different times of the day. Be sure to tweet it differently each time. A great way to do this is to use parts of the post in your tweets.
When you first post your blog post, head to twitter and make sure it got tweeted (every once in a while Twitter has a hiccup and won’t include a link or the tweet at all). While you’re on twitter spend a small amount of time retweeting someone else. Remember it’s about building relationship.
The next recommendation was to schedule tweets with tweet deck. This way you can go on about your day and still be drawing traffic to your site from your tweets.
Tsh talked briefly about Klout. I’m not too happy with Klout right now and Tsh shared how it has it’s flaws and is not a perfect measurement of your influence online. I’m not crazy about Klout because your numbers can change drastically in just a couple days if you are inactive online. It doesn’t take into account your long term online presence. You can determine for yourself if it is worthwhile or not.
And the best advice? “Find your voice and write in it.”
Tsh is a wealth of knowledge, not just in social media but on keeping life simple. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
I would like to thank Tsh, Courtney and Lisa-Jo for sharing their knowledge and expertise in the area of social media!!