All about what moms love
When we received this one in the mail, and I showed it to my daughter she was so excited. She actually hugged the thing and then proceeded to wear it around the house the rest of the day. She loves to wear it when we go out. When we get out of the car she always asks for her backpack. Skip*Hop makes matching lunch boxes too. They are just as cute and are next on our list.
The other day my husband and I were sitting in a restaurant discussing how someone needs to invent a straw that will actually stay in a cup. As we were talking our daughter was pulling her straw out of her cup and eventually dropped the straw on the floor. Every single one of my 6 children have done this as toddlers and it is always frustrating. So, I came home that night and did a google search for straws that don’t come out of cups and I actually found this company that has taken on the toddler straw problem.
Straw-Lution straws are supposed to stay put in drinks and food containers. You can toss them or reuse them and they are dishwasher safe. They are BPA free too. I am going to try these out. I am so excited for this solution to my straw frustration!
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